Assists in finding a place in the society without guarantee.
Case-study based teaching: since most of the case-studies are collected from the past, they are not capable of providing real-time learning experiences in this fast-paced world.
Majority of the projects involve theories and conceptual thesis that limits one’s creativity to surface.
Does not tend to provide information and statistics of the present-day, and do not include certain important details that may help the student better.
100% job guarantee in 3G initiated ventures
We provide concurrent state of affairs for students to attain practical experience in the real world
Our curriculum is sketched out in a way that requires the students to think and find solutions in their own unique way in lieu of it being supplied to them.
We ensure that students are provided with updated, relevant facts that will encourage them to find their own individual stance.
Motivates students to obtain as many degrees as possible.
Offers numerous advices on how to be a great employee.
Focuses on how to cram in theoretical knowledge.
Intends to go with the conventional systems and techniques.
Teaches the theory of leadership in words.
Theory based/ concept based training.
Not interested in the alterations of human psychology over the years and how they must be dealt with.
Traditional teaching method - using textbooks and taking down notes.
Expects to follow the similar techniques and systems teachers follow.
The future of a psychology student is not defined by the degree he/she has taken. We believe it is the real-time experience and practical knowledge that truly determines the skill of a psychologist.
Offers opportunities to be a work with research units and be a part of the ones that change the future of the world.
Focuses on teaching through live experiences which are what organizations - in reality - look forward to.
We are immensely vision driven: Influencing the society and creating a change to positively impact lives of millions.
Builds a leader through the art of experience.
Research & experimental based.
AI integrated psychology, all the information is based on current psychological statements.
Self-based learning, exploring their creativity and learning things individually in their own unique way.
Teachers are nothing but mentors and facilitators who will be guiding students, not directing them.